Friday, May 16, 2008


The formula for ultimate success is simple. First you decide what you want specifically: and second, you decide that you are willing to pay the price to make it happen - and then pay that price. This is for the people who know what they want and are willing to pay the price to get it. It is for “the few who do” versus “the many who talk”

Those who attained excellence follow a consistent path to success. The path is called Ultimate Success Formula (USF).

(a) The first step of this formula is to know your outcome, which is to define precisely what you want.

(b) The second step is to take action - otherwise your desires will always remain dreams. You must take the type of action you believe will create the greatest probability of producing the result of your desire. The actions we take do not always produce the result we desire.

(c) The third step is to develop the sensory acuity to recognize the kind of responses and results you are getting from your actions to note as quickly as possible if they are taking you closer to your goals or not. You must know what you are getting from your actions, whether it is in a conversation or from your daily habits in life. If what you are getting is not what you want, you need to note what results your actions have produced so that you learn from every human experience.

(d) The fourth step is to develop the flexibility to change your behaviour until you get what you want.

In the above steps one major hidden factor which need to be mentioned is that not a single person, became successful overnight. Take the case of Colonel Sanders the founder of KFC, he after retirement from the army, wanted to sell his recipe to restaurant owners and have them give him a percentage of the proceeds.

Do you know how many times Colonel Sanders failed before he got his breakthrough? He was rejected 1,000+ times. Colonel Sanders made a fortune because he had the ability to take massive determined action. He had the personal power necessary to produce the results he desired most. He had the ability to hear the word “no” more then thousand times and still communicate to himself in a way that got him to knock on the next door, totally convinced that it could be the one where someone said yes.

There are seven character traits that successful people cultivate within themselves, that give them fire to do whatever it takes to succeed. These are seven basic triggering mechanisms that can ensure your success as well:-

(a) PASSION All the successful people have discovered a reason, a consuming, energizing, almost obsessive purpose that drives them to do, and to be more! It gives them the fuel that powers their success train and causes them to tap their true potential. It is a passion that drives a student to stay up late and get up early for studies. It is a passion that people want in their relationships. Passion gives live power, juice and meaning. There is no greatness without a passion to be great, whether it is an aspiration of an athlete, or an artist, a scientist, a parent, or a businessman.

(b) BELIEF People who succeed on major scale differ greatly in their beliefs from those who fail. Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be precisely determine what we will be. If we believe in magic, we will live a magical life. If we believe that our life is defined by narrow limits, we have suddenly made those limits real. What we believe is true becomes true, what we believe is possible becomes possible. People who succeed know what they want and believe that they can get it.

(c) STRATEGY A strategy is a way of organizing resources. You can open the door by breaking it down or you can kind the key that opens it intact. It is not enough to have adequate resources at your disposal or organize the resources but to utilize them in the most optimum way it what strategy is all about. Every politician, entertainer, student, parent, employer knows it is not enough to have the resources to succeed. One must use these resources strategically to succeed.

(d) VALUE FOR TIME Successful people understand the rarity of the commodity called TIME. This is one priced possession they will never spend unnecessarily. They plan their future, years, months, days and hours and with intense focus keep adjusting the sail of their boat to achieve their target. Watching TV, gossiping, wasting of time with friends with out any purpose is never on their agenda. If you want to be successful, from this moment onwards please keep a strict watch on your time. Let no one in this world waste your time.

(d) CLARITY OF VALUES Values are the fundamental, ethical, moral, and practical judgment we make about what is important, what really matters. Values are the specific belief system we have about what is right and what is wrong for our lives. They are the judgment we make that makes the life worth living. Many people do not know what is important to them. Often individuals do things that afterwards they are unhappy with themselves about simply because they are not clear about what they unconsciously believe is right for them and others.

When we look at great success we find people with a clear fundamental sense about what really matters. These people have a fundamental moral grounding, a sense of who they are and why they do what they do. Be is Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, or Jamshed Ratan Tata the clarity of values for all the great visionaries is a common factor.

(e) ENERGY People of excellence are dynamos of energy. They take opportunity and shape them. They live as if obsessed with the wondrous opportunities of each day and the recognition that the one thing no one has enough is TIME. Great success is inseparable from the physical, intellectual, and spiritual energy that allows us to make the most of what we have.

(f) BONDING POWER Nearly all successful people have in common an extraordinary ability to connect with others, the ability to bond with and develop rapport with people from a variety of backgrounds and beliefs. The greatest success resides in the deepest recesses of your own heart. Deep down, every one needs to form long lasting, living bonds with others. Without that, any success, any excellence is hollow indeed.

(g) MASTERY OF COMMUNICATION The way we communicate with others and the way we communicate with ourselves, ultimately determines the quality of our lives. People who succeed in life are those who have learned how to take any challenge that life gives them and communicate that experience to themselves in a way that causes them to successfully change things. People, who fail, take the adversities of life and accept them as limitations. The people who shape our lives and our cultures are also master of communication to others. What they have in common is an ability to communicate a vision or a quest or a joy or a mission. Mastery of communication is what makes a great parent or a great artist or a great politician or a great teacher.

What do we do when we try everything we can and things still turnout wrong? People who succeed do not have fewer problems than people who fail. The only people without problems are those in cemeteries. It is not what happens to us that separates failure from success. It is how we perceive it and what we do about what “happens” that makes the difference.

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